Staalgoed Handel B.V.

A 3.1 certificate, what is that?

In the steel business it is fairly common to supply a 3.1 certificate with the steel, but this is less common in the reinforcement industry. At you can, before production, always request a 3.1 certificate in order to be clear about the characteristics of the delivered reinforcing steel.

The added value of a 3.1 certificate

For companies that process reinforcing steel, such as, for example, welding shops, it is good to be able to check via a certificate whether the material ordered meets the set specifications of the order. On the basis of the mechanical and chemical properties shown in a certificate, it can be determined how the reinforcing steel can best be processed. For example, whether the material requires pre-heating before welding. A certificate can also be used to determine whether the material has been manufactured in accordance with the set standards.

Tracing properties used material

In addition, in the event of damage and defects to a structure, the question will soon arise whether the material used was of the right quality. The certificates can be used to find out the characteristics of the material used.

Declaration of compliance with standards or specifications

In a 3.1 certificate, an authorized member of staff of the producer (who is hierarchically independent of production) declares that the materials supplied meet the standards or specifications specified when ordering. In addition, test results are provided based on prescribed tests.

Inspection relates to delivered products

The prescribed inspections must be related to the products to be supplied or to the inspection unit. The inspection unit is specified in the relevant product standard or must be agreed upon when ordering. On a label, sticker or stamp, the producer must at least provide the following characteristics to a party: batch number, material type and factory characteristic or logo. These characteristics can also be found on the material certificate.

Indicate which type of inspection document is required

The customer must indicate when ordering which type of inspection document is required. The product standard of the relevant article indicates which inspection results must at least be included in the inspection document. Please note, these are not always both the mechanical and chemical properties. But as a customer you can indicate when ordering which additional inspections you want to have carried out in the case of a 3.1 certificate. Thus, the mechanical and chemical properties can always be obtained.

Example of a 3.1 certificate

3.1 certificaat










Figure 1: Label of supplied reinforcing steel

3.1 certificaat

Figure 2: The 3.1 certificate associated with the delivered reinforcing steel of label figure 1.

Request a 3.1 certificate

If you are going to order material from and you want to receive a 3.1 certificate, you can! Please contact us before ordering, for example via the contact form. Then we can clearly state what the costs for the certificate will be. In addition, it is important that we indicate to the producer a certificate is wanted before the order goes into production.


Do you have any questions about the 3.1 certificate or do you have other reinforcement questions? We offer a dedicated team of reinforcement specialists to help you get the most out of your projects. Please contact us. We are happy to help you!