Staalgoed Handel B.V.

Customized reinforcing mesh, an update

In 2015 we wrote a blog with the title " Customized reinforcing mesh, the future ?". Now we know that the question mark should have been an exclamation mark. The production capacity of customized reinforcing mesh has increased and they are increasingly ordered.

What was that again?

Robots have made their appearance in reinforcing steel processing centres and the machines have been made more powerful and smarter. The software to control these machines is also developing at a rapid pace, making production even faster and more efficient. Due to the combination of these smart machines and developed software, customized reinforcing mesh have become more and more accessible and affordable. This is also becoming increasingly interesting for small batches of mesh.

Bouwstaalmatten op maat (foto Progress)

Benefits of customized mesh

Compared to the standard mesh, such as BEC, PS and P mesh , the customized reinforcing mesh have a number of advantages. Firstly, less material is needed,  only what is actually needed is produced in a controlled environment. In addition to the fact that there is less waste at the construction site, customizing also means less cutting, bending and tying work at the construction site. This improves safety. The meshes are easy to assemble, which saves time.

All kinds of sizes are possible and the reinforcement can be designed and calculated as efficiently as possible. It is even possible to process different diameters within one mesh. And finally, the mesh can be designed in such a way that it meets the lifting standards, which means that all kinds of lifting aids need to be used less.


Standard meshes are often directly available from stock, but to get these meshes on the construction site more logistical factors play a role. The delivery time of standard mesh is 2-4 working days. Customized reinforcing mesh can now be produced smoothly and we have a delivery time of 4-6 working days. At first glance, the customized meshes are more expensive, but when you look at the entire process, the price is actually not too bad. After all, there are fewer labour costs and fewer lifting aids are needed. It is also no longer necessary to purchase a minimum quantity or minimum weight.

Changes in recent years

Compared to 2015, more mesh welding machines have entered the market. The production capacity in the country is estimated to have increased by around 30%. As a result, customized reinforcing meshes are more accessible and are more included in reinforcement designs. And we notice that in sales; the proportion of customized mesh has increased significantly.

Bouwstaalmatten op maat


We can supply customized mesh with a wire spacing from 50 mm. and with diameters 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm. The total size of a mesh is in principle a maximum of 6000 mm. at 2400 mm., but for specific, different sizes you can always contact us. On the website you can easily fill in what the customized mesh must meet. If you have entered everything, you will immediately see the price. And this is unique!

Do you have drawings of your construction project and do you not yet know exactly what the mesh should be like? You can also submit your drawings to us via a contact form or Construction kit application. Then we will design the reinforcement and wil apply customized reinforcing mesh frequently.

Contact us directly