Staalgoed Handel B.V.
search delivers reinforcing steel emission-free to building sites

Governments and market parties signed the Clean and Emission-Free Construction (SEB) covenant in October 2023 to substantially reduce emissions from construction equipment and logistics on and around construction sites. One of the goals is to deliver orders on emission-free construction sites using electric transport from 2030. At the moment, not many suppliers can do this, can. It supplied reinforcing steel to the Bouwcombinatie Samen, both emission-free and low-emission.

Article continues below image. leverde emissieloos en emissiearm wapeningsstaal aan de Bouwcombinatie Samen, dat de Rijnkade in Arnhem versterkt en herinricht.

On behalf of the Rijn and IJssel Water Board and the Municipality of Arnhem, Ballast Nedam, Hakkers, and Van der Ven are working as Bouwcombinatie Samen on the reinforcement and redesign of the Rijnkade. The project features an emission-free construction site and emission reduction in the logistics chain, putting it well ahead of current ambitions. For the Building consortium, it is quite a challenge to find companies that can already participate. For, it was not a well-trodden path, but it gladly accepted the challenge of being at the forefront. The company expanded its network and can now deliver rebar emission-free to the construction site with emission-free trucks. The covenant and customer demand are reasons for to further integrate sustainability into its work processes. 

Emission-Reduced Project Execution in Arnhem
For the project in Arnhem, the consortium received deliveries both emission-free with an electric truck and with reduced emissions thanks to HVO100 fuel, which can be used in any diesel engine. This reduces CO2 emissions by up to 89%, with less NOx (nitrogen) and particulate matter emissions. “At this construction site, we are focusing on electric transport and the use of biofuels in the logistics chain,” says Jos Kamphuis, Sustainability Advisor at Bouwcombinatie Samen. “The execution on the construction site is emission-free, and we aim to achieve additional emission reductions in the logistics chain as well. That's why we are looking for partners who can contribute to this goal. We found a good match in, a supplier that has successfully taken on this challenge.”

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