Staalgoed Handel B.V.

Order directly from the construction site

It has now become even easier to order customized reinforcing steel thanks to our mobile-friendly website. In addition, from now on we also have customized footing cages and strip foundation mesh .

Customized footing cages

Even more options when ordering reinforcement. You can now also find customized footing cages with us. Specify easily and order directly.

Poerwapening op maat

Strip foundation mesh now also available

We have added strip foundation mesh to the reinforcing mesh. This allows you to compile a strip footing completely and order easily.


Order from your mobile

Create and order reinforcement directly from the construction site? That is possible from now on. Thanks to the mobile-friendly website you can easily order from your mobile phone.

Mobiel betonstaal bestellen

Need help with reinforcement?

If you have any questions or need advice about reinforcement, we are happy to provide you with suitable advice. We offer a dedicated team of reinforcement specialists to help you get the most out of your projects. Please contact us!


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