Staalgoed Handel B.V.
search is FD Gazelle 2020

Our efforts have been rewarded this year with a Gazellen award. is one of the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands. is FD Gazelle 2020

Prowd of growth

We are of course proud of this result. The Financieel Dagblad annually presents the FD Gazellen awards. To be eligible for this award, the growth of the past year is not only considered, but the growth of the past three years is assessed. In addition to the growth in turnover, the growth in the number of employees also play a role.

Digital presentation

The awards will be presented digitally this year by region on November 19. The bronze, silver and gold FD Gazelles will then be awarded, the winner of the top 100 will be announced, as will the Oryx prize for the most outstanding Gazelle.

Continuing the course

This award, as well as the satisfaction of our customers, gives us an extra boost to continue with developments in customization, service and efficiency.


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